
"Bir adamın herkese benzememesi için her şeyin yapıldığı bu aptal dünyada; herhalde imkansız diye bir şey yoktur gerçeğine sarılanlara da, düşmanca bakmak o derece abes kaçacaktır." Meral Meri

24 Ağustos 2020 Pazartesi

By Meral Meri - The Winter Solstice

 I clung to my hope of being discovered and discovering.

And now I'm collecting wildflowers in that field ...

Because I need a volunteer.

Maybe I can find you.

And I have to find

Because existence requires this.

However, this however, is not unlikely.

So will we be willing to live on an assumption?

Just like anybody else?

But I want you to know, I'm not actually in that field.

By Meral Meri - The Winter Solstice


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